GenesisII implements an advanced atmospheric model that realistically
reflects the way that light is diffracted and absorbed by our atmosphere. These
controls are used to set atmospheric and environmental effects - see also the
Clouds controls.

Atmospheric Effects
- Ambient: Ambient light intensity. Ambient light has been scattered
and comes from no particular direction.
- Diffusion: Diffuse light intensity. This is light coming directly
from the sun but is scattered on reflection and does not create highlights.
- Atmospheric Scatter: Controls how much the direct sunlight is scattered
to form the blue of the sky.
- Atmospheric Glow: Controls the amount of glow around the sun.
- Shadow Depth: Controls how dark cast shadows are.
- Mist Density: General atmospheric mist/haze.
Sun Position
These control set the altitude and azimuth position of the sun. You can click
and drag directly on the blue dial controls or use the edit boxes.
- Sun: The color of the sun. Usually this is set to white or a very
light yellow, but can be set to redder tones for sunsets.
- Sky: The background sky color at the zenith. Blends with the horizon
color towards the horizon.
- Horizon: Sky color at the horizon.
- Mist: Mist color.
Advanced Parameters
These parameters control how the atmosphere is modeled and should only be altered
from the defaults with care.
- Atmospheric Ceiling: The top of the atmosphere. Light traveling above
this will not be affected by atmospheric physics. Also effects the behavior
of light below the ceiling. Default value is 200.0.
- Atmospheric Floor: Nominal bottom of the atmosphere. Default is -100.0.
- Atmospheric Control Distance: Nominal distance to the sky. Default
is 250.0
- Infinity: Nominal infinite distance. Default is 10000.0